Trends Black Friday 2023 | How to sell more and better?

Here is a guide to the hottest Black Friday 2023 trends of the moment.

Keep in mind that knowing what types of products are most in demand during that event will allow you to adjust your strategies to increase your profits.

If you know what your potential customers' needs or expectations are for Black Friday, then you can align your sales tactics to attract and prolong interest in your products.

Every year, analysts evaluate the outcome of this event, to find out which types of products have the highest sales outlets, which ones have the lowest sales, which ones have the highest sales volumes, and which ones have the highest sales volumes. most popular payment methods and other relevant data.

Throughout this post we are going to analyse aspects such as the following:

  • Black Friday statistics.
  • Black Friday Trends 2023.
  • Products in high demand.
  • Strategies to increase your sales during Black Friday.

Stay until the end of this article and discover the most shocking statistics about one of the most anticipated trade events of the year.

And don't forget that on our blog you will find valuable resources to help you grow your digital business.

Black Friday stats to consider

It is important to analyse what to expect from Black Friday and what your consumers expect from it. While we know that it is a time when various discounts and promotions are offered, this must be accompanied by intentionality.

In other words, it is not a question of making offers left and right. Rather, the goal is to establishing a business strategy that is aligned with your overall purposes, and taking statistical analysis into account is fundamental to this.

1. Black Friday sales volume

As this event has not yet taken place, we are unable to provide you with statistics on the volume of sales on Black Friday 2023.

What we can do is offer you some estimates and predictions based on last year's data.

In Spain, the value of sales during this event stood at almost 2,000 million euros in Spain alone!

So if you've still been questioning whether it's worth investing in a digital marketing specialist To help you prepare your strategy for this event, these figures will certainly help to clarify your doubts a little better.

Taking advantage of Black Friday is absolutely necessary, and digital commerce has had a good start in this respect.

While the face-to-face shopping experience this season continues to lead the way, the volume of online shopping has evolved over time.

2. Analysis of average expenditure

Before delving into the Black Friday 2023 trends, it is useful to know some statistical data.

According to information shared by the site Statista, the average spend per user during Black Friday exceeds 210 euros.

And Spain last year ranked fifth in Europe in terms of the number of countries with higher per capita expenditure. There is little room for doubt that during this event there is a great deal of commercial mobilisation and businesses and brands can take advantage of that.

3. Price changes

Interestingly, compared to last year's Black Friday statistics, at least 32.5% of products saw an increase in price.

This raises the question of whether there are really any unmissable promotions or discounts to be found during this season.

And while some products are reduced in price, the issue of offers leaves room for some debate. We invite you to take a look at the following post; Strategies for Black Friday 2023 | Explained + Advantages for more information.

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What are the Black Friday 2023 trends?

Now that we have shared relevant statistical data with you, let's introduce you to the Black Friday 2023 trends.

It is important that you take this information into account when establishing your sales strategies. Something that is very popular during this event is to to get a head start on Christmas shopping.

For the majority of users see it as a great opportunity to find better deals and save a little on your Christmas shopping list.

Therefore, some products have higher sales outlets, and it is worth focusing attention on those items in order to capture the consumer's attention.

Without further ado, these are the Black Friday 2023 trends you should take into consideration when setting up your sales planning.

Business niches with the highest demand

One of the main Black Friday 2023 trends has to do with the category of products that are most sought after by the audience.

For this is a business area that has a greater chance of success, and if promoted in the right way this can increase profits considerably.

The number one in the best-selling product categories are fashion itemsclothing and accessories are one of the most sought-after products by users during this discount season.

Personal care and sporting goods top the top 2 and 3 of this list. Not far down the list is toys and technology categoryThe two categories of great relevance and which are often linked to Christmas shopping.

Household products and some products such as pet accessories are also highly sought after. Interestingly items such as luxury alcoholic beverages also have a good commercial outlet, at least in terms of demand.

Most popular products

It is necessary to differentiate between the most demanded products and the most demanded products. best-selling products. The fact that the audience is more interested in a specific niche does not necessarily ensure that they will make a purchase.

Last year, a star product that had a huge sales breakout during Black Friday, was the Nintendo Switch. Even the promotions on this article were extended until Cyber Monday.

Phone items such as the iPhone also played an important role in the overall volume of sales in Spain.

And in general, there was a lot of shopping outlets for technology products. Gaming products such as the PS5 were also highly sought after.

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Black Friday 2023 trends: Favourite payment methods

The Black Friday 2023 trends also tell us about users' preferred payment methods. Online shops must ensure that they offer maximum convenience and transparency to their audience.

Maintaining transparency and being concise about payment and return policies is indispensable to gain the trust of potential customers and to show yourself as an authority in the market.

Providing the best payment facilities will allow you to attract more customers, thus avoiding the possibility of losing opportunities and breaking your sales.

In Spain, according to a study published by the website 68.45% of users prefer to make virtual purchases using a credit card.

But one of the payment platforms that surprised most in its popularity was Bizum. It is believed that at least one in four transactions are handled through this platform.

Trends in search

In another post we have discussed how to use Google Trends for SEOBeing aware of trends is something that can help us to stay one step ahead of our competition.

Last year more than 10 million searches were recorded during Black Friday with a considerable increase compared to the search engine's usual activity on a typical day.

If you use Google Trends a few days before Black Friday, you will be able to know what are the search terms that are seeing the most activity.

And you can link this to your content marketing strategy, generating articles of value to your audience that are in tune with the interests of the moment.

Putting yourself in front of what your audience needs is what can help you not only to increase your SEO positioningbut to increase your CRO radius and perceive an increase in your customer base.

How to appear on Google Discover

What to expect from Black Friday 2023?

With the implementation of the Ecommerce trends and web development, we have a much more modern environment and more tools at our disposal to foster digital growth.

Remember that our service of Ecommerce Campaigns can help you grab the ideal audience during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Ask for more information and take advantage of the benefits we leave at your disposal.

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