Using GPT Chat for SEO: Is it Right or Wrong? 3 Examples

We are sure you have wondered about this, How to use GPT Chat for SEO? Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and while some people love it, others reject the idea.

We respect all positions and opinions regarding the use of artificial intelligence, but we consider it necessary to learn about it in order to educate ourselves about the pros and cons it can offer us.

SEO experts have become concerned about the use of Chat GPT for SEO by content marketing strategies Is this going to replace human ingenuity?

Part of the debate about the use of artificial intelligence has been geared towards taking matches, where this advanced technology could overtake us.

But if we look at it as a tool that we can use and master at our own discretion, the result can be much, much better.

Throughout this post you will learn about some important topics such as the following:

  • Is it good to use Chat GPT for SEO?
  • GPT Chat and its functions to improve SEO
  • Does Google penalise content created with Chat GPT?
  • How to determine if a piece of content was created with artificial intelligence?

We recommend you to stay until the end of the post to learn about the good and the bad that brings the artificial intelligence in the context of digital marketingLet's get started!

GPT Chat for SEO

Is it good to use Chat GPT for SEO?

The answer is yes and no. It is worth taking advantage of certain functions that artificial intelligence can offer us to optimise our work on an analytical and practical level.

But it is essential to be able to see this technology as a complementary tool, not as a resource that will do all the work.

While there is much that we can delegate to AI, the truth is that it is not the right thing to do, and it is not the right thing to do. we should have more involvement in our own governance to achieve a favourable web positioning.

But don't worry, because our team of experts has identified some practices with GPT chat that are not so recommended to improve SEO.

At the same time, we will highlight some techniques that are worth strengthening with the use of this tool.

1. Can GPT Chat improve your structured data?

The web positioning techniques go far beyond the creation of valuable content, keyword analysis or interlinking strategies.

These are some practical components that, although they have a lot of analysis behind them, do not have as technical a component as other work that we do appreciate, for example, in the perform an SEO audit.

A clear example of this is the use of structured data that comes in a standardised code format.

A digital marketing and SEO expert is able to integrate this information in the right way to help the search engine crawl each piece of content more easily.

GPT Chat can help you define your structured databut it is a practice that we only recommend if you have experience in SEO.

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2. Facilitates the creation of the meta-description with IA

The meta description acts as an HTML tag powerful to generate organic positioning.

Although some people ignore its use or do not dedicate the necessary time to it, it really is the letter of introduction of our content to Google.

As you probably know the meta description appears below the SEO title and also offers users concise information about what they will find in our article or any other content.

It is essential that this field has an optimised text.This will not only help you to increase your search engine ranking, but is also key to increasing the number of clicks to your page.

If you have been considering the idea of use GPT chat for SEOspecifically to create your meta description, then go ahead.

Artificial intelligence can help you with this content as long as you give them the right indications, and in addition to providing you with SEO-friendly text it can provide engaging text for your audience.

If you don't want to leave everything to artificial intelligence, you can at least use this function as part of the inspiration to create your own meta description.

3. GPT Chat for SEO and its role in copywriting

When artificial intelligence was brought into the field of digital marketing at the start of its biggest boom period, many people saw it as a big business.

There are currently many opportunities to monetise by performing projects on the internet.

One of the best examples is to develop a project of affiliate marketingbut this requires a great deal of work and often a considerable volume of text has to be created.

Many people appreciated the idea of using artificial intelligence to perform their content marketing strategies and position their affiliate websites.

Google Search Console



 Is it worth leaving all the work to Chat GPT?

Leaving all the work to chat GPT is not a good idea, and although it may immediately or quickly give the impression that we are feeding our website with quality content, time may prove otherwise.

The main obstacle is the possibility that in the future, when Google crawls the information, it will notice that there are content that is duplicated in several articles.

I don't think you need to go very far to understand the risk of using artificial intelligence entirely for the creation of an article or any other content for your website.

Using GPT chat for SEO is a good idea as long as you know how to complement your own judgement and experience with the use of this tool.

If you also have in mind to use artificial intelligence to make your content, let us share with you the following advice.

Ask artificial intelligence not to plagiarise and to focus on optimising headings in order to have content that differentiates itself from the competition.

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Is using GPT Chat for SEO good or bad?

It is neither good nor bad, it is a valuable tool as long as you use it in the right way.

Google values content that is complete, emotional and really satisfies the user's search intent. And Chat GPT can create flat, repetitive text of little value, especially if it does not receive good instructions.

And if you ask yourself, Does Google penalise Chat GPT? Let's just say that Google is not stupid, if it notices that your content is identical to that of other websites it will simply detract from the value of your website.

Stop being seen as a benchmark for Google is terrible! You can bet on AI to speed up the implementation of your SEO strategies. But do it only for the purpose of speeding up or facilitating your work, don't lose sight of your own criteria.

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