Ideas to sell at Christmas: 7 items for online shops

The holiday season is one of the most accelerated at the commercial level. That's why we're going to review some of the most important ideas for selling at Christmasso that you can choose the right items from the stock in your online shop.

While it is true that in December shopping increases, there are certain products that are seen as the winners of the season. And being able to select those items as long as they fit your business niche is very wise.

In addition, in this post we will tell you some marketing tips about how to sell more at Christmas. Don't let the end of the year boom pass you by and increase your WooCommerce or Shopify shop sales.

In this post we are going to analyse some aspects such as the following:

  • Ideas for products to sell at Christmas.
  • Christmas consumption statistics in Spain.
  • Tips to increase online sales in December.
  • Final conclusions and recommendations.

7 ideas for selling in-demand products at Christmas

E-commerce has been booming in recent years. Even the statistics remained on the rise during the pandemic in 2019 and 2020. Although the latter was also related to the demand for distance shopping.

Similarly, Ecommerce is still a very profitable business modelbut it is also a very competitive one. This is why it is important to keep an eye on the changes each season.

We recently shared a very comprehensive guide to the main Black Friday 2023 trends. During the second and third week of November there is usually a high demand for technology and other products.

To deal with the competition, it pays to be one step ahead of the trends. And an excellent way to achieve this is to know the best things to sell at Christmas Here we go!

1. Decorative products

Every year hundreds of families decide to decorate their homes for Christmas. While traditional markets often include trees and other decorations, Christmas shopping has also started to go online.

A great idea to increase sales at Christmas is to capitalise on the seasonal interest in technology items. For example, the LED spotlights Christmas motifs have been in high demand in recent months.

This is one of the best ideas for selling at Christmas and you can adapt it to different niches. You can offer some electronic devices linked to the season, and if you sell household goods you can offer many more products.

Ideas for selling at Christmas
Ideas for selling at Christmas according to Amazon analysis

As long as the style and focus of your online shop allows you to do so, you can choose to offer other decorative products. For example, it is a good idea to offer Christmas trees, garlands, door decorations, etc.

2. Toys

Another great idea to sell at Christmas and increase profits is toys. As part of the Christmas tradition, it is common for parents to give toys to their children, but this is an industry that is constantly advancing.

And to increase your Christmas sales, it is worth identifying which toys are the most popular. To choose the best products for your online shop, we recommend using Google Trends to identify possible trends.

We have conducted a search and technology-related gaming items are well sought after. For example, the Nintendo Switch and various tablet models are still in high demand.

Ideas for selling at Christmas
Christmas selling ideas according to Google Trends

Don't forget to take a look at the next post; How to use Google Trends for SEO | 6 Tips

3. Cooking products

Another of the excellent ideas for selling at Christmas are kitchen items, small items such as pots, pans and even cake tins are often sought after.

During the last weeks of December it is common for the family to get together to prepare different Christmas recipes.

The Google keyword planner shows that in the last quarter of the year the level of searches for articles in this niche tends to increase.

If you use this excellent tool from Google to identify the most important best products to sell at ChristmasIf you are not sure which brands are the most searched for, it is also worthwhile to find out which brands are the most searched for.

Even to help position your shop at the top of search engine results, you can take advantage of the management of a content marketing strategyby taking advantage of these favourable keywords to increase your audience.

4. Technology articles

Next in our top Christmas selling ideas are technology products, with many people choosing to select these types of items as Christmas Eve gifts.

Y Apple products tend to be in high demand during this date, although they are also often bought during Black Friday to take advantage of the bargain season.

When we refer to technology items, we do not think of very large products such as a computer, but rather of small products such as portable hearing aids or home automation items.

Including Gaming products are in high demand. in recent years. Don't forget, you can take a look at Google Trends to see how influential certain search terms are at any given time.

5. Make-up and care products

Products such as make-up, skin care and hair care products are in great demand during the last months of the year.

Did you know that online shopping is increasing by at least 30% this season? And retail products are often very popular, especially because they maintain a good price-quality ratio.

An article published by Google showed that many Spanish consumers are searching with the term "best" for the beauty and personal care category. Click here to find out the Google stats and tips to sell more at Christmas time.

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This means that if you have in mind to activate some Ecommerce campaigns, it is worth integrating in your copy terms like "best make-up brushes", "best moisturisers", etc.

6. Exclusive spirits

Next on our list of best ideas to sell more at Christmas are exclusive spirits.

In large shops like Amazon, these types of items are in high demand, and you can use tools like Hellium 10 to identify which products are the best sellers on the platform during a specific season.

As long as your online shop's sales pitch is consistent with this type of product, it is worthwhile to increase your layout for these items.

Don't miss our guide to how to discount on Shopify and start promoting your most in-demand items to increase your profits during Christmas.

7. Woven articles

However, if you are looking for the best ideas to sell at Christmas and buy products at a lower cost, the best ideas are the decorative woven goods will be a plus you can't pass up.

Over the past few years, there has been a growing awareness of the choice of articles made from recycling methods.

It has also increased the focus on select handicraft products to reduce the pollution associated with certain production methods.

There are countless articles woven with Christmas motifs that are having a great acceptance according to the season.

Remember that there are several tools that allow you to analyse specific items and facilitate market research before deciding to make an investment.

So, how to sell more at Christmas?

First of all, you should take advantage of our ideas for selling at Christmas, because this is what will allow you to position in your catalogue exactly the items that are most in demand.

On the other hand, you can request our service of Shopify SEO or our digital strategy and planning to offer a customised 100% consultancy for the growth of your online shop.

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