Why is my website not appearing in Google? 4 Solutions

We are often asked, Why doesn't my website appear in Google? And the truth is that there are several answers to this question.

We understand that it can be very frustrating to invest in creating a website and have it not appear anywhere in the search engine. And the reality is that this is a limitation that happens more often than you might think.

The web indexing problems are the main ones associated with your site's audience in search engines, but it is not the only thing that can justify this limitation.

If you have entered this post you are probably wondering, How do I get my website listed on Google? Don't worry, we'll tell you why it doesn't appear and how to reverse it.

Throughout this post we will analyse:

  • Why doesn't my website appear in Google?
  • Failures with web indexing
  • Failures with SEO positioning
  • How do I get my website listed on Google?

Stay to the end and find out how to boost the growth of your website to promote the success of your digital projects.

Why doesn't my website appear in Google?

This is a question that many people ask themselves, why is my website not appearing in Google? Often it is because the website has not been indexed because it is too new.

It is essential that you link your website to Google Search Consolea Google tool that allows you to speed up web indexing. It also offers a host of useful tools for analysing the progress of your site.

You have your indexing under control but your website is not appearing in Google? Maybe the failure comes from another cause, take a look at the following reasons.

  • Your website is very new and the positioning is not consolidated.
  • You have the tag "no index" in your contents and that's why they don't appear in the search engine.
  • Your website does not have a lot of authority, which makes it difficult to SEO positioning.
  • Google has penalised your site and because of this it does not appear in the search engine, this is sometimes due to duplicate content.
  • Your website is not optimised for mobile (this is a more common mistake than you might think).
  • You have not made good use of your keywords or the mentions have been limited.
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how Google's algorithm works
Why doesn't my website appear in Google?

How do I get my website listed on Google?

Surely you have noticed that in the doubt of, ¿?Why is my website not appearing in Google? It really is a question with many answers.

Likewise, it is important that you know what each of the flaws are and what are the possible solutions to fix them. Having your website functional and optimised is what will help you meet your digital objectives.

But before we get down to it, we recommend you check out the following post; Google Search Console and its fundamental role in SEO positioning.

1. Fix technical problems on your website

If you have recently opened your website and noticed that it does not appear in the search engine, it may be due to technical problems.

To remedy this we must again mention Google Search ConsoleYou need to register the domain of your website, then you need to create the Sitemap.

Remember that you can apply for our digital consulting to help you clarify the technical needs of your website.

A poorly configured sitemap will make it difficult for Google to crawl your site optimally, we will use the digital strategy and planning we take care of outlining a suitable methodology to position your site.

Trick: Enter site:website and know in detail which are the contents that appear in Google coming from your site and which are not, this will allow you to have a real diagnosis of the presence of your site in the search engine.

2. Create valuable content for your website

In some cases when we are asked, "Why isn't my website appearing in Google? We notice that the site in question doesn't have a SEO strategy let alone a content marketing strategy.

It is important that you plan the content of your website and that you plan the that you create valuable contributions. Google does not rank content that it considers unhelpful to the audience, it also condemns plagiarism and unnatural texts.

For your content marketing strategy you can decide to develop a dynamic and useful blog for your audience. But don't lose the audiovisual management to be appreciated as an authority by Google, your audience will see you anyway.

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3. Improve the authority of your site through your content.

Why isn't my website showing up in Google? It may have low authority! If Google considers that your website offers unreliable content, it probably won't rank it.

Gaining domain authority means having Google's approval on your side in order to push your website to the top of the search engine. The values of authority are measured from 0 to 100and there are web tools that allow you to analyse this metric.

The closer your website's rating is to the top level, then Google will have a positive view on your content and website, which translates into more online traffic.

Google Chrome has an extension known as Mozbar which allows you to analyse the performance of a website's authority. Its functions are quite useful and can help you the most.

Why my website is not appearing in Google
Why isn't my website appearing in Google? Use Mozbar

Tips to improve your site's authority

  • Do a keyword analysis and choose the best terms.
  • Nurture your content with internal links that add value to the reader.
  • Develop quality content and don't leave out the creative touch.
  • Make use of strategies such as Link Building and through the generation of backlinks, gain positioning and authority.
  • Do not lose sight of the loading time of your website, if it is too slow it will not rank.

4. Corrects indexing problems

As we have already said, many users who asked us the question; Why doesn't my website appear in Google? They coincided in problems with the indexation of the website, that can be a big headache.

Here are some possible solutions for what to do if Google does not index your website:

  • You have not created your sitemap.
  • Your Sitemap has the tag "no index".
  • You have a lot of duplicate content.
  • There are problems with the web domain.
  • Your site has been penalised by Google.
  • There is no mobile optimisation.
  • There are code configuration problems.

Consult with our web development experts and discover possible improvements for your site.

So why isn't my website appearing in Google?

Possibly, your website does not have high authority, it is a new domain, it has indexing problems or... All of the above.

But don't worry, everything we have mentioned can be solved. SEO audit and receive a strategic plan to get your website listed on Google.

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