How Google Analytics 4 works - benefits and applications

If you want to take your website to the next level in terms of visits, recognition and lead acquisition, you need to know how Google Analytics 4 works.

The main function of this tool is to help measure the performance of the marketing strategies. Therefore, it is useful to know in detail about its functions.

The older version of this tool is Universal Analytics, although it generated good results, the updated version promises more sophisticated performance.

Throughout this post we are going to tell you about how Google Analytics 4 works and how it differs from the older version.

Google Analytics 4

What is web analytics?

Before we tell you how Google Analytics 4 works, it is important that you know what web analytics is based on.

In this sense, it is a discipline that aims to carry out the measurement or analysis of salient information. on the functioning of a websitebut it is also associated with web applications.

Thanks to web analytics it is possible to make better decisions regarding strategies. In this way, by making small adjustments, it is possible to make better use of the techniques employed.

Would you like to strengthen the performance of your website? Request our service of digital consulting and take advantage of the best benefits around.

How do I set up Google Analytics 4?

There are two procedures on how to set up this tool. If you already had a website in place and you performed the analytics with Universal AnalyticsYou must make a migration to adapt to this new tool.

If your website is new then Google Analytics 4 will automatically appear.

Follow these steps to be able to configure the GA4 tool and carry out the web analysis:

  • Log in as usual to your Google Analytics account.
  • Go to the "Administrator" section, then look for the "GA4 Configuration Wizard" option.
  • Then you must click on the button indicating "property configuration".

If you have created your website in WordPress it is important that you go to the configuration panel and from there you manually place the Google Tag Manager tag, this will allow you to use this tool.

What does Google Analytics 4 allow you to do?

Once you have finished with the configuration, you will then be presented with the your website linked to GA4. However, in the report on the page you will see changes compared to the feedback given by UA.

The following are some of the data that web analytics with Google Analytics 4 will provide you with:

  • You will be able to see where visitors come from geographically speaking.
  • You will see the performance of some of your digital campaigns.
  • You will learn about some sources of attracting traffic to your website.
  • You will see various statistics that will help you adjust your strategy.

Click here to find out how Google Analytics statistics work 4.

Differences between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics

It is important that after you know how Google Analytics 4 works, you can compare its functions with those of Universal Analytics. If you have recently created your website, or made the migration, you will be able to take several details to issue an analysis.

Event-driven measurement

What do we mean by event? It is an action that the user carries out either with your website, or with your online application. The best thing is that these data can be measured independently 100%.

Previously these actions were separated by categories that were evidenced by code. The new system is practical and has a nice interface, which means that you will be able to see much more data with ease.

2. GA4 event ratings

  • Automatic events: relates to interactions that are basic, such as counting page views, or identifying the first time a user logs in.
  • Optimised measurement: A benefit of the update is that the events are point-by-point, and that it facilitates the downloading of files, as well as providing data on site searches.
  • Recommended events: are intended to measure additional user functions. For example, you can see how long it takes to complete a purchase or measure interaction with your content.
  • Customised events: A great thing about this tool is that it helps you measure other actions according to the criteria you deem relevant. In fact, this resource proves to be highly flexible.

Google Analytics 4

Where do I view the web report?

If you have downloaded Google Analytics 4 it is important that you know how to access the report for measuring interaction or events.

In this sense, you can do this by taking the menu to the left, in the "configure" section, once there you will see the entire list of events.

And you can also analyse it with a graph, to do this you have to click on "interaction", then "events".

One benefit of this tool is that it relies on machine learning technology, thus providing relevant knowledge that leads to in-depth analysis. In this way, the analyst will be able to support his report much better.

Some data you can value from GA4:

  • Acquisition: has to do with the sources used for traffic acquisition, which helps to define where the traffic comes from.
  • Interaction: emits information associated with the user's interaction within the platform, showing for example his or her web tour.
  • Monetisation: shares information on revenues generated in different areas, e.g. in the field of e-commerce.
  • Retention: makes available the flow of new users, but also provides a list of recurring users.

Unified App and web measurement

Google Analytics, on the other hand, provides information on both elements, but allows the information to be evaluated separately, which makes it possible to see changes in a practical and direct way.

Request our analysis service with Google Analytics 4

We help you to manage a professional analysis of your website performance with Google Analytics 4. In this way, we gain access to key statistics to help you to improve your digital marketing strategies.

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