Web development, what is it and what functions does it cover?

Throughout this post we will analyse what is web development and what functions are covered by a professional in this area. Nowadays, the design and creation of websites or online applications has grown considerably.

Create a website from scratch allows a better result to be obtained when done with the appropriate knowledge. There are a number of steps to consolidate a well-developed, functional and stylish website.

Throughout this post we will tell you what are the phases of web development and the types of languages most commonly used to generate programming code. Let's get started!

what is web development

What is web development?

Before we tell you what the main functions of web development are, it is important to understand what web development is all about.

Although it is a term related only to the creation of a website, also relates to maintenance of it. To set up this digital space, a certain programming language is used, and there are more advanced concepts such as creating a web archetype.

It is important to mention some technical aspects in order to gain a much broader understanding of this issue.

At the development level, the following aspects stand out:


This is the component that interacts with the user, so it has the graphical elements such as images and their different functions.

A good web development service promotes a good usability or interface called UI, and should also guarantee a optimal user experience UX.


This part is nothing more than the component of the website that is fully in sync with the server. It therefore integrates content such as the programming code, the technical structure, the database, etc.

What is the difference between design and web development?

Now that you know what web development is, it is useful to differentiate it from design. Although they go hand in hand, they are not exactly the same.

To understand the difference much easier we must take into account that the Fronted is the element related to the web design. It is closely related to the look and feel of the site.

Therefore, the whole visual concept and the user experience are managed from the design. This work also takes into consideration elements such as the colour palette, images to be used, menu section, etc.

However, the functions of web development have more to do with the programming or backend part.

It therefore encompasses more technical aspects, such as coding or generally defining the website. from a coding language such as HTML.

The following table shows the main differences between web development and design:

Web design

Web development
Related to Fronted, to the experience and the interface. It relates to the backend or the programming interface of the site.
It allows you to optimise the appearance of the website.

The functions focus on making the website functional.

Essential steps for web development

Web development is carried out on the basis of several important functions, and if you are planning to create a website from scratch, there are several aspects to take into consideration.

1. Define the project's profile

The first thing to do is to identify what the guidelines are according to what you want to achieve. Also, predefine the objective of the project and define who it is aimed at. This will also help you understand how the business itself works.

2. Plan your work thoroughly

The first phase is the delimitation phase, the second phase of web development has to do with the planning of the project. For this, it is necessary to analyse other aspects such as the market research, the study of competitionetc. Depending on this, a strategy has to be defined and then implemented.

3. Make a website design

Although web development and web design are not the same thing, the latter is related to the functions that must be fulfilled for the creation and activation of a website. In this phase it is important to organise the contents and all the elements of the site in general.

According to web design and development statisticsAt least 48% of users consider design to be the main factor in determining the credibility of a brand.

what is web development

4. Plan the type of content to publish

Web design allows you to define where the content that will be published on your site will go. For example, if you design an online shop, you may have a specific catalogue, where the different groups of products are shown.

One important thing about this phase of web development is that you should have a SEO strategy. It is also ideal to generate high-impact content to attract the attention of your audience.

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5. Generate code development

All of the above needs to be translated into a programming language. For this, a rather technical process is followed, where one of the key steps is to start the wireframe.

Subsequently, once a page layout has been defined, it is necessary to establish the different functionalities that the site will have. For this, it is also necessary to issue an SEO configurationanalyse the performance and speed of loading, etc.

6. Check the functioning of the site

Once all the previous steps have been covered, it is time to perform several tests to assess the functioning of the site. If any errors are found, it is a good idea to correct them before moving on to the next step.

7. Publish the website

The last step of web development is to publish the site. But it doesn't end there, it is essential to carry out the web maintenance. And this must be done from time to time in order to ensure the effectiveness of the site.

Web development service for all types of projects

Don't forget that we provide a quality web development servicewhere we take on the task of creating the site of your dreams in terms of functionality, performance and SEO optimisation.

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