How to improve your local positioning on Google: 5 useful strategies

The presence of businesses and companies on the Internet is increasing all the time. And knowing how to improve local positioning on Google is absolutely necessary. Here we will answer your main questions on the subject.

Local SEO is a type of web positioning that many businesses apply, the focus is on capture web traffic with local targetingWhat does this mean?

Mainly, it has to do with the fact that web traffic meets specific characteristics at a locality level. Let's say you have a pizzeria in Alcobendas and you only distribute in that area.

Although visits from other parts of Spain are a benefit, the priority should be to capture the audience of Alcobendas because they are potential customers. The benefits of local SEO are many and varied, and are almost always connected to sales acquisition..

Throughout this post we are going to analyse the following:

  • Importance of local SEO positioning.
  • How to improve local SEO?
  • Importance of SERPs.
  • Selection of keywords.
  • Valuable content.

And much more! Don't miss out on the benefits of local SEO to promote increased sales for your business.

Importance of local business positioning

There are many, many SEO strategiesSome of them have to do with the type of positioning they are trying to capture. For example, in local SEO, the purpose is to to increase visitor numbers in localities specific.

One of the benefits of this methodology is that it not only focuses on capturing an audience, but also seeks to make sense of the visits or web traffic.

Your site may have an audience of 20,000 visitors a month or more, but if this doesn't generate much conversion then something is wrong. On the other hand, capturing a targeted audience makes it easier to increase conversion.

But are people really investing in this method? According to research by Ranktracker, at least 46% of the searches come from local searches. In addition, Google has integrated features such as "near me", and its usage is believed to have increased by 125% in recent years.

improving local positioning

Strategies to improve local positioning on Google

There are many reasons to decide to join efforts to gain local SEO positioning. However, it is not so easy to achieve good results as there is a high level of competition.

But this does not mean that it is not possible, with expert assessment and by implementing good strategies to improve local positioning, it is feasible to capture the best results.

Pay attention to the following tips and explanation of local SEO strategies:

1. Presence in SERPs

Something key to improving local positioning is to have a presence in the SERPs. This means that it is essential to appear in the top positions in search engines.

Especially businesses looking to rank with local SEO benefit from this. This demonstrates the importance of joining forces to capture web positioning.

Users who are interested in a product or service close to them have a fairly high intention of making a purchase. Of course, here there is a significant opportunity for customer acquisition.

However, there is also an important level of competition. For many businesses are trying to make their way in this digital world.

2. Choose your keywords wisely

Keywords allow us to improve the positioning of the contents, as long as we take on the task of covering those terms that users use to get topics associated with your business niche.

When doing a keyword analysis many people focus only on the level of searches, but aspects such as competitiveness and keyword complexity at the specification level are useful.

When trying to improve local positioning, the specification must be taken into account. And in this do good Keyword Research is key.

Let's suppose you have a furniture shop in Madrid, the keyword "cheap furniture". has up to 100,000 searches per quarter, whereas "muebles baratos Madrid".has 10,000.

The difference is that the keyword, "muebles baratos Madrid" can bring us much closer to our target audience and convert web traffic into potential sales.

After defining a target keyword it is important to take advantage of the associated keywords, here is an example:

improving local positioning

3. Create content of value to your audience

Another tip for improve local positioning on Google is to ensure the creation of useful content. This search engine tends to give more relevance to those contents that provide valuable information.

Ideally, you should try to make your content answer a question or address a need. Taking the example of the shop that sells furniture in Madrid, a good idea is to create a blog with useful content for that audience.

Here are some examples of quality posts according to this niche:

  • How to choose furniture for the living room?
  • Best furniture for small living rooms and how to choose it
  • Trends in decoration to create minimalist spaces

It is also a good idea to use a variety of graphic elements in your content. For example, create an infographic that better integrates the information or even make video tutorials.

4. Analyse SEO metrics

At this stage your local SEO strategy should be up and running, and it is important that you can measure the results. This is what will help you to make adjustments as appropriate.

You should take into account how much engagement your content produces and analyse other aspects such as bounce rate.

NOTE: Bounce rate is the trend that measures when an audience spends a short time on a website and then leaves without generating any action.

5. Don't forget to optimise your content

If you have already set your goals to have a presence at the top of Google, and you have planned the creation of your content, it is time to generate the optimisation. This is key in order to improve local SEO positioning.

You should leave distinctions that attribute your business as a local benchmark within a niche. For example, you can accompany your brand name with a local SEO tag, as shown in the following image:

improving local positioning

Don't forget that all your content must be optimised with your SEO plugin, adding the main keyword and reinforcing it with some associated keywords. It is important that you customise the Slug and the Meta description.

Request a consultancy with our local SEO experts

Do you want to succeed with your local SEO strategies? Our experts analyse your website based on an SEO audit and then set about the task of planning the best way to increase traffic and conversions.

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