Find out what attraction marketing is and how it has evolved.

This time we are going to take a closer look at what attraction marketing is and what are its benefits for brand promotion. As is well known, there are many SEO strategies and digital marketing techniques.

This variety allows us to choose those strategies that are most suited to your purposes and the type of digital business you are running.

According to specialists in the world of digital advertising, attraction marketing is a key strategy to increase a brand's visibility. Some also take advantage of the Inboud Marketing to generate high conversion rates.

You are probably wondering, what will you learn in this post? Take a look at the following contents:

  • How does attraction marketing work?
  • Principles of attraction marketing.
  • How to do Inboud Marketing?
  • Tips for attraction marketing conversion.
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What is attraction marketing?

The main objective of this post is to explain in a practical way what attraction marketing is. The first thing you should know is that is the same as Inboud Marketingare terms that adhere to the same principle.

Now, what is Inboud marketing or attraction marketing? Broadly speaking, we can define it as a series of non-intrusive techniques, which aim to attract, convert and subsequently build audience loyalty.

But how is this purpose achieved? One key principle is followed with this methodology, which is that of provide value at every stage that a user undertakes at the time of a potential purchase.

How does Inboud Marketing work?

The marketing trend that stood out in the past was to generate aggressive advertising. Today there are digital marketing trends that suggest connecting with emotions and creating ads that bring value to the user and do not just focus on reflecting excessive sales motivation.

This more direct (and sometimes invasive) marketing trend is still practised today and is known as outbound marketing.

Attraction marketing, on the other hand, focuses on generating valuable content that reflects real quality for the user. Of course, content is achieved through search engine optimisation techniques.

A key aspect of Inboud marketing is that promotes a real connection with the userThere is no such aggressive commercial proposition.

Inboud Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

In order for you to better understand what attraction marketing is, it is important that you can analyse the differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing.

Although we are going to go a little deeper into this, look at the table below and see the obvious distinctions:

Inboud Marketing

Outbound Marketing
  • It focuses mainly on the purchasing process.
  • Bring value to users as they go through the buying stages.
  • It usually conveys something, can educate or entertain.
  • It focuses mainly on the sales process.
  • It often uses a lot of advertisements placed in mass media.
  • It does not seek to provide value, but rather the meaning is commercial.

In the case of Outbound Marketing, slightly older or classical advertising methodologies are used, such as the AIDA model, explained below:

  • Attention: seeks to capture the interest of the audience.
  • Interest: attempts to sustain attention through images, statements, etc.
  • Desire: its purpose is to generate emotional statements of impact.
  • Action: is the goal of the process, it is fulfilled by the customer by going through the other phases.

attraction marketing

Example of attraction marketing

When you know what attraction marketing is, you almost always want to know an example of it. Before we reveal this information to you, it is important to know what steps are taken to achieve the purpose of this methodology.

  • Awareness of the need: the strategy promotes an insight in the user who discovers that he/she has an unsatisfied need or desire.
  • Research: gets the user to embark on an investigation of the options available on the market.
  • Decision: the user is then aware of an offer but looks for alternatives that are more consistent with his or her needs.

Inboud Marketing goes hand in hand with generating value, giving something away without any apparent additional intent. For example, offering useful resources to the audience for free helps to sustain interest and recognition for a digital business.

Discounts on Master Class, access to free information contentLead Magnet and other related content are clear examples of attraction marketing.

The evolution of attraction marketing

Attraction Marketing or Inboud Marketing is a methodology that has been applied for several years now. Something you should know is that was created by the company HubSpot.

The company in the early days of this strategy implemented the well-known sales funnelThis worked for many years as the basic principle for generating attraction marketing for a brand or digital business.

But does the sales funnel still apply? The truth is that it has changed somewhat, and it is vital to be aware of these changes. There is a new methodology that is committed to generating impulse cycles based on the customer's profile.

It is also valued as a circle rather than a funnel, and the purpose is to focus on capturing more user interaction. Of course, this is all with the aim of making them potential buyers and even to gain loyalty.

In the following table you can see the principles of the customer impulse circle, which is part of the new attraction marketing methodology:


It is achieved through content distribution in the form of advertisements, videos or even blog posts, which can be anchored from the content marketing. A key element of this phase is the famous email marketing­­. However, the benefits of conversational bots or marketing automation are also exploited.

This is perhaps the most complicated phase to achieve, for this create intelligent content is a must. It can also be measured through attribution reports, email marketing is also used.

According to the HubSpot Inboud Marketing report at least 75% of practitioners who have implemented such a strategy consider it to be highly efficient in the medium to long term.

Start creating your attraction marketing strategy

Would you like to take advantage of the benefits of Inboud Marketing for your business? With our services you will be able to obtain a constant performance from real experts in the field.

Don't continue with archaic advertising patterns, go for innovation and much more innovative marketing proposals. according to the real needs of your potential audience.

Remember that we have experts in this management, ask for more information without obligation and find out what we can do to ensure the growth of your brand.

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