How to use WhatsApp Business to sell - 6 key steps

This time we are going to analyse how to use WhatsApp Business to sell. For it is a very useful tool, capable of catapulting your brand to the top and facilitating the acquisition of sales.

You may have focused your digital strategy on growing on the typical social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. However, you may want to integrate Whatsapp Business into your list as well.

Gone are the days when Whatsapp was just for messaging between friends, now it allows us to connect with potential customers! And the best thing is that offers a professional, friendly and customisable 100% service.

If you haven't used this App so far, you're probably wondering, How to use Whatsapp Business? Here we will not only tell you how to use it, but also how to set it up to learn how to sell from this broadcasting channel. Let's get started!

How does WhatsApp work?

It is an instant messaging application, allowing us to write text messages, send audio and share multiple multimedia content. It also allows you to make calls, and the best thing is that it has international coverage.

Since 2014 this App started to be part of the company that created Facebook, and its positioning is worthy of admiration, is available in more than 180 countriesand it is a free application.

The impact of WhatsApp on business

We know that WhatsApp is an extremely common application, it is very, very rare that someone does not have it installed on their mobile.

According to Statista data, Whatsapp has nearly two billion active users. And this is attractive for companies and businesses, as there is a very large audience to reach.

It is the leader among instant messaging apps. But how is it doing in terms of ranking as a popular social network? According to is the third most used Social Media platform at present.

Over time, this platform has begun to integrate more and more functions designed to foster the growth of online businesses. But it is also adapted for the digital transformation of conventional businesses and companies.

How to use WhatsApp Business to sell?

The icing on the cake on this topic is to assess how to use WhatsApp Business to sell. And that is why we will tell you the steps you should follow to link your business strategy with the use of this platform.

1. Check the resources you have

Before you consider how to use WhatsApp Business to sell, you should consider whether you actually have all the resources to enable this platform and make it available to potential customers.

Many brands will hire someone who can take care of the Whatsapp messaging management or on social media in general.

But how do you know if your business deserves this extra support? The best way to confirm this is to develop a database that allows you to have a more realistic estimate of the size of your audience.

And if you want to start on this platform on a trial basis, you can set up a Chatbot for you to take your first steps and familiarise yourself with its functions.

2. Download the WhatsApp Business App

Not to lie, the management demands of Whatsapp Business can be high, especially when there is an audience sharing their demands via Whatsapp Business and looking for an instant solution.

This step may seem a bit obvious, but you must download the App. Note that Whatsapp is not the same as Whatsapp Business, are two different applications although of course they start from the same principle and come from the same developers.

But what do you need to use this App? Well, you will need a mobile number which will allow you to register on the platform.

You can also upload a catalogue with information about your business, such as the products you have on offer or the services available and key information about them.

3. Set options for vendors

One of the most important steps on how to use WhatsApp Business to sell is to make the right settings. Because this will help you get the most out of this platform.

You must assign the following aspects:

  • Name of the companyYou should also add the category of the business so that users have a basic idea of what you offer.
  • You must also add opening hoursIn this section you can place the link to your website and the address of your business if you have a location available.
  • Then you must create the avatarwhich forms a key part of your business's brand identity, this also allows the audience to maintain confidence in that method of contact.
  • Create a catalogueFinally, you must indicate the information about your products or services so that the commercial elements are fully visible.

how to use WhatsApp Business to sell

Don't miss the next post: 3 Social media monitoring tools - How do they work?

4. Performs automatic message scheduling

Next on our list of how to use WhatsApp Business to sell is to facilitate a communication channel by generating automated messages.

Firstly, you can create a welcome messageThis is sent instantly after a user contacts your business.

But there are also predefined answers for very common queries. This is very useful if a potential customer writes to you outside of opening hours.

To make this configuration do the following:

  • Go to settings, then under "company settings", click on "messaging tools".
  • From there you will see options to define an absence message, a welcome message or different predefined quick responses.

5. Select usage preferences

All this also helps to make your platform more personalised and consistent with your business profile.

For a little more privacy, you can disable message preview. You can also schedule the status of your corporate account to keep users interested.

6. Link WhatsApp Business with other platforms

This is the most important step in terms of how to use WhatsApp Business to sell, you must link it with other applications, such as Facebook or Instagram.

The higher your visibility as a brand, the more impact you will have on a commercial level. To make this link only go to Facebook settings (on your corporate profile).

Then click on the WhatsApp icon and a bar will appear to add the phone number linked to WhatsApp Business.

how to use WhatsApp Business to sell

So how do you use WhatsApp Business to sell successfully?

Selling through this platform is totally possible, users love to receive a close and instant treatment.

Moreover, they are totally familiar with the App so it is a very natural way for them to use it to meet their needs.

We help you to grow your business with quantifiable results, ask for our WhatsApp Business management and see what we can do for you.

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