How to build a sales funnel | 8 Key Steps

In the world of digital marketing, learning how to make a sales funnel is key. This is also known as generating a conversion or sales funnel.

Having a presence in the digital world is easy, but taking the right steps towards digital transformation is the real challenge. In our post on what is a digital consultancyl We address precisely this.

So who benefits from a marketing funnel? Mainly those who are struggling to get visibility for their brand or business or who have not been able to attract enough customers.

However, the benefits of a conversion funnel are also associated with capturing the repurchase process. Here I will tell you how the sales funnel works and what benefits it offers.

Basically, throughout this post we are going to assess the following:

  • How does a sales funnel work?
  • What is the conversion funnel for?
  • Types of sales funnels
  • What are the stages of the sales funnel?
  • How to make a marketing funnel?

What is a sales funnel in marketing?

Known as a sales funnel or even a marketing funnel, it is a technique that encompasses an entire planning and design process.

Where the main purpose is to capture the interest of the audience in order to transform them into Leads and then into potential customers.

The main purpose of the conversion funnel is as follows:

  • Attract potential customers.
  • Transforming leads into buyers
  • Increase the repurchase rate.

An important thing about how to make a conversion funnel is that it has several phases or stages. Because it is not possible to generate a sale in one step, it is a multi-step process.

how to make a sales funnel

Sales funnel - what is it for?

Before looking at how to build a sales funnel, it is important to understand why it makes sense to invest in this type of marketing methodology.

The scope of a sales funnel is varied, it can even increase the trustworthiness of your brand and profile your business as a reference in the commercial niche you manage.

Helps to increase confidence

In recent years, the rise of e-commerce has been evident, and has been seen as a major opportunity for multiple investors.

A report from Statista confirmed that 90% of global consumers in a survey said they had made a online shopping in 2022.

However, Ecommerce also faces high levels of competition and trust issues that are still reflected in online shopping. The sales funnel helps to counteract precisely this.

Back to "strangers" in "clients".

One of the greatest advantages of the marketing funnel is that it increases the possibility of transforming strangers who visit your website into potential customers.

The first challenge is to attract traffic to the website, and for this it is advisable to put into practice the best SEO strategies.

But if this audience does not interact with your website or express interest in your services or products, there is a conversion problem.

And know how to make a sales funnel allows you to redirect those unknown visitors into potential customers, all from a highly effective sales system.

Increasing turnover

The above data leads us to this point, and that is that the implementation of a Sales Funnel should provide us with an increase in turnover.

Specialists in marketing funnel creation suggest to have something called; "front end and back end. It also suggests not showing all offers to a user until he or she has completed an important series of steps.

How to make a sales funnel | Elements of high value

Now we are going to analyse how to make a sales funnel, and above all we will analyse what we need to achieve this. Because you have to invest in certain elements depending on the type of Funnel, such as a lead magnet or a landing page.

1. Define your business model

We are going to analyse how to make a sales funnel from scratch. So the first step has to do with defining your business modelThis is the basis of any marketing strategy.

To better understand this, it is useful to reflect on certain aspects of your business, such as the following:

  • Higher value products or services.
  • Input products or services.
  • Services that are complementary.

2. Identify your Buyer persona

In several of our posts on digital marketing we have highlighted this aspect, and is that knowing what your Buyer persona is something clear, which will allow you to improve the planning of your strategies.

Hundreds of online shops fail because they initiate strategies that are not connected to the real interests of customers. It is not possible to sell if you do not know to whom your goods are addressed.

Some business niches are very well defined. For example, a shop that sells baby products, the niche is quite clear and is aimed at parents.

Now, there are products or services that cover a large audience, let's say you have a digital consultancy agency and you have developed a marketing course.

Some potential clients may be entrepreneurs and recent graduates, but if you think about it, unemployed people who want to train in other fields may also be interested.

3. Show an irresistible offer

The difficult thing about selling online is that you have to capture the interest or attention of the audience, and you only have a few seconds to do it.

It is ideal to showcase your products having covered these aspects:

  • Real benefits.
  • Promises of value.
  • Access to Bonus.
  • Urgency or sense of scarcity.
  • Show payment facilities.
  • Satisfaction guarantees.

4. Segment your web traffic

If your website has started to have a larger digital audience, then you should define how to make a sales funnel.

Now, there are several types of digital traffic, it is important that you define where part of your audience is. Look at the table below to assess this.


It can include users who have come to your website because of a post of interest, but who do not know your brand. Instead, this traffic is defined by users who know details about your brand, and know your services or products.

Hot traffic knows your digital business quite well, they often show a higher interest in your offers.

5. Create valuable content

The next thing on how to make a sales funnel is to generate valuable content. This will increase the interest of your traffic and give them a more transactional perspective. A key thing is to define what type of content is most relevant to your Buyer Persona.

6. Design a great Lead Magnet

A Lead Magnet is valuable content that is offered to users in exchange for subscribing to our website.

The most common is to share an Ebook guide on a topic of interest. But you can also share a design template, an exclusive Podcast, a digital event, etc.

how to make a sales funnel

7. Invest in a Squeeze Page

The truth is that if you don't have advanced experience in the world of digital marketing, the best thing to do is to hire a service of generation of Funnels.

For example, our qualified team can help you create a Squeeze Page, which is a basic page that is intended to to get the data (Leads) of a potential customer.

8. Create a landing page

One of the final steps in creating your sales funnel is to design a landing page. After your audience has gone through the other steps, they will get to this point.

For a landing page to perform best, it must contain powerful copy, a catchy title that makes a quick impact, testimonials and even clear calls to action.

So, how to make a sales funnel?

A professional team can help you design a sales funnel system that is effective, but above all consistent with the characteristics and strengths of your business. Request our digital consulting and discover what we can do for you.

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