How to advertise on YouTube | 6 Formats

Learn how to advertise on YouTube is key for booming businesses. For in recent years the video marketing trend has been generating significant economic results.

According to a study on the evolution of video marketing In 2018, at least 80% of people base their intention to purchase a product or service on their evaluation of a video ad.

While video advertising has been generating promising results for years, today it is much more accessible using YouTube as an optimal communication channel.

Many people have managed to catapult their careers thanks to advertising with YouTube Ads. And of course by generating valuable content in this format that reflects the real personality of the brand.

In this post we will assess aspects such as the following:

  • How do YouTube ads work?
  • Types of advertisements on YouTube
  • How to advertise on YouTube?

How does advertising work on YouTube?

The first thing to do is that the platform that facilitates the management of these ads is known as the YouTube Ads. However, it is linked to Google Ads, and allows for increased visibility of certain video advertising content. YouTube advertising has increased over time.

You know those typical video clips that play before you watch the selected video? Well, that's advertising and campaigns of this type are managed on the basis of multiple functions.

However, there are several formats for playing advertisements on YouTubeThis will be discussed in the following section.

Types of YouTube ads

There are a total of six formats that allow you to advertise on YouTube. Below, we will define how these advertising models work, as this is key before you discover how to advertise on YouTube.

TrueView advertisement on YouTube

This is the main format for making YouTube ADS ads. One of the reasons why it is so widely used is because it allows for increased control over the ads viewed.

In other words, users have some control over the advertisements they seebased on their likes and dislikes for example. On the other hand, it has economic benefits, because the payment applies when users play at least 30 seconds of the video or when they click on an advertising button.

It is also more targeted advertising, so it has a better chance of reaching users who have a genuine interest. This makes the investment of running YouTube ads in this format more cost-effective.

Non-skippable video ad

Another format for advertisements on YouTube is through non-skippable videos, meaning that they cannot be skipped.

This is precisely why they are not considered TrueView, because users have no control over their playback. This makes them somewhat annoying for some.

Currently this ad format is only available in has a maximum duration of 20 seconds. Another important fact about this format is that advertisers use the CPM, or cost per thousand, style of payment.

YouTube Bumper ad

Again it is a YouTube ad format that cannot be skipped, and as usual they are played before the video selected by the user.

On the other hand, their duration tends to be less than 6 seconds. Another important quality is that payment is made under the CPM option. Advertising must be impactful, as it is a short duration format, creativity is key.

YouTube sponsored card advertisement

In this case, the advertisement appears in the form of a pop-up window, in that format it is includes a call to action or CTA.

While it is a little more discreet, it is also a more accessible format. What is difficult in this case is that the user must click to be able to expand the information, and may even go unnoticed.

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Overlay in-video advertisement

It's an easy way to advertise on YouTube, basically adding a banner or small text box at the bottom of video clips. Big brands like Shein use it.

YouTube Display Ad

The location of this format is in the right sidebar, it appears in sections such as lists of suggested videos. It is a simple format that can include an image and a call to action.

How to advertise on YouTube?

Now that you know what are the types of ads to advertise on this platform, it is important to delve into how to advertise on YouTube, for this we will explain a few steps below.

Upload your advertising video

The first thing you need to do is to upload your advertising video to YouTube. In the main window of this platform there is an icon with a video camera, click on it and then click on "Upload video". From there you can upload the video by dragging the content or uploading it from the media you have on your device.

how to advertise on YouTube

Start the campaign on Google Adwords

The next step on how to advertise on YouTube is to set up your campaign. For this, you must have a registration on this tool.

Later, you must go to the part that says "All campaigns", is located in the left sidebar, from there you will see a + symbol, it allows you to create a new campaign.

Once there you have to select which type of campaign you want to start, you have options such as the following:

  • Shopping.
  • Video.
  • Application.
  • Search.
  • Display.

After this, when making YouTube advertisements you should place the objective of the advertisement, such as sales opportunity or bringing traffic to the website, depending on your objectives.

Now set up the campaign

Now it's time to set up the next steps to set up your ads:

  1. Choose the name: should describe the intention of the campaign, this is used internally.
  2. Indicates the budget: at this stage you should place the amount you are willing to spend on ads on a daily basis.
  3. Indicates start and end: it is necessary to place when the announcement should start and when it ends.
  4. Network selection: You can also set whether you want your ads to appear on multiple social networks.
  5. Geographical segmentation: you can set the languages of the users who will see the campaign and geographic locations.
  6. Choose your bid: there are options such as CPM, which is charged per thousand impressions, targeted CPA, which is cost per acquisition, etc.

Define aspects of the audience

Once you have a descriptive name for the campaign, you should indicate relevant aspects of the audience. For example, if you want to reach users of specific age ranges or professionals in certain industries, etc.

Another important fact about advertising on YouTube is that you can add keywords in the description of your ads. You can also select topics depending on the size of your campaign.

So, how to advertise on YouTube?

Finally, you must select the video that you initially uploaded, as this is the graphic advertising content that will be linked to your campaign. Remember that we have specialists in the ad management with YouTube Adswe deliver quality results.

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