How Google's algorithm works | Guide 2023

Throughout this post we will discuss how Google's algorithm works and how to focus your SEO strategies accordingly.

To capture an increase in your web traffic it is important to understand what Google uses to determine which pages appear in the top search results.

If you are planning to grow your digital business, it is important that you define and apply the best SEO strategies. And understanding Google's algorithm will help you a lot in this task.

Don't forget that we have digital marketing experts who are qualified to help you generate growth for your website.

On the other hand, you should know that this is an updated guide to the Google's algorithm works. It is important to stress this point because from time to time Google generates some updates.

So, it is important to know the elements that have new relevance for the main search engine. Get to know how to increase traffic to your website at the level of compliance with Google's algorithm criteria.

In this post we will mainly analyse the following:

  • What is Google's algorithm?
  • How does Google's algorithm work?
  • Google search algorithm ranking factors
  • How do I find out about official Google updates?

What is Google's search algorithm?

We cannot elaborate on how Google's algorithm works without first understanding what this is. Technically, it involves a broad process applied by the search engine to generate a hierarchy of content based on a search.

Let's say you are thinking of renovating the look of your home and you have googled the following; Best trends in interior decoration 2023.

Based on that search term, Google will show you a list of websites related to the content you are trying to find.

And taking into account the the rise of e-commerce and digital business In itself, getting to the top of Google is a priority.

But it is the Google Search algorithm who defines, on the basis of various criteria, which websites are best placed to provide users with quality content.

If you are struggling to increase your web audience, it does not necessarily have to do with the fact that you have not provided quality content.

Depending on the niche you are working in, there may be a high level of competition.

Request a SEO audit with our experts and discover how to improve the performance and positioning of your website to achieve your digital goals in less time.

Discover: Bounce rate: How to have an adequate bounce rate on your website?

How does Google's algorithm work?

If you currently have a digital venture, gaining a good Google rating should be a key part of your strategy, as it will help your website rank well and reach a much wider audience.

But how Google's algorithm works is a bit complicated as it depends on several factors that we will be mentioning in this post.

There are even some details about how the search algorithm works that have not been fully unveiled and several updates have emerged.

In the development of this post we draw on the experience of our specialists, but we also take into consideration the same approaches as Google.

Enter the following note, How does Google search work? And you can learn more about the most important search engine criteria for positioning a website.

Here are some key facts about its functions:

1. The importance of links

Google cares a lot about the authority a website has in relation to a specific niche or topic, and that level of relevance is often measured from the incorporation of internal links and outbound links.

Outbound links to authoritative websites are a key element in generating valuable content, which allows the reader to expand on the information, and thus their search.

We have specialists in the planning and implementation of strategies such as Link Building, nowadays it is considered one of the fundamental tasks to achieve a website to be positioned within the first sites in Google.

Do you want to know if your link strategy is well worked? Tools such as SemRush help you to analyse the interlinks performance of your website.

Analyse your competitors' link strategy

To increase your site's ranking from the work of internal links and outbound links, it is also a good idea to identify the work of your competitors' sites.

If you notice that the competition has a higher level of internal links and backlinksIf your strategy is falling a little short, it may be time to revamp it to be more in tune with the level of results you hope to achieve.

2. Create fresh content or updates

The Internet is a very changeable place, so Google values very positively content that is kept up to date from time to time.

Let's say you have an event management business and your main service is wedding planning, and for 2017 you created a pretty comprehensive post about how to organise a wedding properly.

Technically, 6 years would have passed since the publication of your article.In the meantime, new trends have arisen and new tools have been developed to help in the organisation of different events.

This demonstrates the importance of maintaining content updatesThe most important ones are those that represent a fundamental value with respect to the strategy you manage on your website.

On this point we can also point out that the generation of innovative content helps your website to have more chances of appearing in Google Discover.

Such an appearance can increase your site's traffic considerably, all thanks to taking advantage of major trends in real time.

Remember that in the following guide; How to get listed on Google Discover and what are the benefits? More information is available here.

And if you want to identify the most relevant trends of the moment, just take advantage of the functions of the Google Trends.

3. The correct use of keywords

Another key aspect of how Google's algorithm works has to do with the scanning the search engine will do to identify the keywords you used in your content.

The number of times your target keyword appears in the content is an essential criterion for Google.

Some web positioning plugins and Yoast SEO suggest the following parameters for the correct use of keywords in content:

  • The keyword must appear in the Slug.
  • It must also appear in the H1 or main title.
  • In the introductory paragraph should be the target keyword.
  • And this term should also be in a subtitle.

But not only is it important to follow these parameters, you should also make an effort to understand which terms will help the user to to give with content of value.

If you manage to generate content that is relevant to what the user is looking for, Google will be able to recognise your website sufficiently so that it appears at the top of the search engine.

Some people, knowing only the basics of SEO, make the mistake of creating very artificial content and incorporating keywords too many times.

This is not a good thing, and far from helping, it can be a disadvantage, as it Google places a high value on content that looks natural, accurate and dynamic.

How Google's algorithm works

Specific or long tail terms are useful

It is useful to use compound keywords, terms categorised as long tail, help a lot to generate organic positioning.

If you do a keyword analysis, you can see that very generic terms such as "dog beds". have hundreds of thousands of searches per month.

However, working with terms such as "beds for medium-sized dogs". gives a higher level of specificity and it is somewhat easier to link valuable content to this search intent.

4. A good browsing experience is key

When analysing how Google's algorithm works, we noticed that offering a good browsing experience is simply fundamental.

Paying attention to aspects such as loading performance, coFix errors on the website such as broken links or overlapping elements. and generate meta tags correctly, is very positive.

It is also essential that your website design is designed for navigation on mobile devices. In the following post you will find some key information about this; How to create a Responsive Website | 7 Steps + Advantages

So how does Google's algorithm work?

It is very difficult to know 100% how Google's algorithm works, as some information is not shared publicly and also the main search engine generates many, many weekly updates.

However, the correct use of internal links and outbound linksA good keyword strategy and the generation of fresh content can help to boost your website to the top of the search results.

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