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since 2005
In this opportunity we will analyse how to make a social media content plan without getting lost in the attempt.
You should know that this is not exactly an easy task and that it requires a deep analysis, and before reaching this point it is necessary for you to have identified your Buyer persona.
In our other articles and guides on digital marketing we have pointed out the importance of having a rationale for making certain decisions, not just publishing something to showcase some content.
And this is precisely why it is important to create a social media content plan. Part of the complexity of this issue is that social media content can cover different formats.
And if you want to show yourself as an authority brand in your sector, it pays to plan and strategise with a variety of content.
Like specialised marketing agency we offer services for social media management, always with prior professional planning.
Throughout this post we are going to show you aspects such as the following:
- What is a social media content plan?
- How to develop a content plan for social media?
- Advantages of a social media posting calendar
- Final tips for Social Media management.
Stay with us and discover all the secrets and valuable recommendations to create the best social media content plan.
Differentiate yourself from your main competitors and increase your web and network positioning thanks to the implementation of quality strategies.
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What is a social media content plan?
Before delving into how to create a social media content plan, it is important to understand how this tool works.
Often referred to as a content plan or a content calendar, it is basically a guidance document that allows you to keep track of your posts on different social networks.
A content plan for your social networks allows you to define:
- When to publish
- How much to publish
- Where to publish
- What to publish
- The objectives behind your publications
We offer you an advanced service of social media managementWe have 100% professionals qualified to create a social media posting calendar designed to achieve success according to your objectives.
Why should you make a social media content plan?
If you decide to invest in social media advertising to grow your digital business, you need to have a publishing calendar that is linked to your advertising strategies.
If you don't have this in place, the reality is that you will be losing your income and the ability to get the most out of this platform.
However, when there is a justification and you define how everything will be carried out, you have a better chance of success.
The good news is that you can find models of PDF social media content planSome of them are even free!
How to make a content plan for social media?
Below, we will show you the steps to follow to create a content calendar for your social networks:
1. Do an audit of your social networks
We cannot delve into the task of making a social media content plan if we are not clear about where our accounts stand on these platforms.
You can think of it in the following way, it is not the same to create a content plan for an Instagram account that has 10,000 followers and whose main challenge of the creator is to increase the level of conversionwhether in Leads or sales.
If you compare it to making a social media content calendar for an account from scratch, it is clear that there is a difference because the objectives are not the same.
No case is more or less complicated, all require a level of preparation and experience to identify the best strategies.
But the important thing here is that you must conduct a social media audit to find out your current status and, based on this, to establish the best strategy that will really allow you to achieve your ideal growth.
By doing this you will also get the possibility to identify areas for improvement, you may not have a presence on a social network whose audience is quite similar to the type of content you will publish.
For example, not all digital businesses decide to create a profile in LinkedinBut the truth is that this platform offers many benefits to certain sectors.
Through a social media audit you can also identifying what is working within your current strategy. For example, check which social network you are most successful on and whether or not it can contribute to achieving your ultimate goals.
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The tool OctoSuite can help you identify what type of content is working best in a certain niche.
Its use is ideal because it can also help you identify possible trends to know what topics are worth talking about at certain times.
2. Identify your Buyer persona
The creation of the content you post on your social networks should be completely aligned to the real preferences or needs of your audience.
Aspects such as age, gender and geographic location can be essential to understanding what certain groups of people enjoy or do not enjoy.
In some cases, it is a little clearer to understand this and delimiting the target audiencebecause it is clear where we should be aiming for. For example, products that are only for children or only for very old people.
But it is not always easy to identify the Buyer persona, and the truth is that it is a step that you must take very seriously and with a lot of commitment.
The best thing to do is to write on your computer or take pencil and paper like in the old school, and start writing. what you think your audience might be interested in taking into consideration what you are offering.
Being attentive to the real needs of your consumer is what will allow you to really differentiate yourself from the competition.
Your intention is not just to sell, but to make a conscious sale in which what you offer can really meet a certain need.
Handling this aspect can be a bit tedious, and it is often worth leaving it to experts.
But if you decide to invest in it and do it right, your sales stats can skyrocket. Looking good, eh?
3. Consider your available resources
Another key step in making a social media content plan is to identify the resources that are available.
Do you have enough capital to execute the plan you have in mind? Do you have enough staff to execute each publication?
Again, it should be noted that leaving this to experts can put you at an important advantage. Because it allows you to delegate to specialists the building a publications calendar efficient but within your budget.
4. Define what you are looking for in your social networks.
It is not enough to have a presence in the digital world just for the sake of it, it is important that you can justify the development of a social media content plan.
Do you want to make your brand known? Do you want to increase your sales in the digital world? Do you want to increase the loyalty of your potential customers?
When you are clear about your goals, not only in terms of your social media planning, but in your marketing planning in general, the road ahead will be much easier for you.
Nor is it a question of your social media objectives being different from your business objectives as such, it is essential that there is a link between the two.
You may even choose to create a social media plan that will serve as a boost to your website's exposure, and increase visits in that digital space.
5. Choose the right strategies
The next step we have about creating a social media content plan is to identify the best strategies.
If you do a little research you will notice that there are many strategies or tactics to carry out content building on social media.
But a major mistake you should avoid is to choose different strategies without really defining which one can be most useful to you.
Another important aspect is to take into consideration the best formats for the construction of your content.
If you want to educate your audience about a topic, developing content such as a watch or a slightly longer video can be helpful.
And if you want to increase the engagement of your audience, you can create a dynamic post that allows you to start a small cyber debate.
So why make a publication calendar?
One of the benefits of working on your social networks, is that you can link it to your social networks. content marketing strategies. In fact, it is a very good idea to have some alliance of social media posts in relation to the management of your blog.