eXprimeNet is Google Premier Partner Agency 2023

eXprimeNet has just been selected as a Google Premier Partner for the seventh year in a row.This recognition is reserved by the American technology company for only 3 % of the Spanish agencies that are currently Google Partners.

The result of this investment was able to generate a qualified traffic of 14.8 million clicks. This figure is also doubled compared to 2021. The qualified click is one of the most relevant parts of the digital investment process, the most interesting thing is that it is only consumed when there is a click on the advertising shown to the user, and therefore, we start an investment process that is already very focused on results from its activation.

That click will only occur if the user is interested in the product or service in the ad. This is where other factors come in, such as: segmentation, device, time slot or location. Factors that influence the generated result of the click, the more qualified this process is, the more chances of success we will get. There will never be a growth of the digital investment if we cannot optimise it, if with 100 euros you do not get results you are not going to get them with 1,000 euros either.

One million in conversions
Also in 2022 we have reached the figure of 1 million conversions and results qualified as highly monetisable: ecommerce sales, web forms, visits to shops or premises, leads, calls or clicks on "how to get there" on Google Maps. This figure is almost double that of 2021, where it obtained 550,000.

These conversions have the ability to track online and offline. We can know how many users have gone to a physical shop, restaurant or clinic because of their interaction with a digital ad, and therefore know what word they searched for on Google that made them go to a restaurant.

The year with the most investment in Youtube
The consultancy achieved 14 million YouTube views generated in 2022. Youtube has become a channel with a very high reach for a much lower cost than others. For us, it has been important to use it in the launch phase, to make a product known or to discover a product. In addition, the growth of Smart TVs makes it possible to channel advertising on these devices. So digital advertising reaches not only mobile, pc and tablet, but also TV.

Multi-channel adapted to the user
The jump from one device to another by the user makes advertising very complicated, at Exprimenet they see the need to generate advertisements and campaigns adapted to all formats and device spaces. Adapting to this multi-channel approach is important to ensure that a campaign impacts the same user several times.
