8 Free SEO tools to analyse and improve your rankings

We bring you a super guide with the best free SEO tools to analyse your positioning and define the best strategies to increase your digital audience. 

SEO tools help with functions such as: 

  • Keyword analysis. 
  • Identifying errors in SEO. 
  • Link generation for link building. 
  • Competitive analysis. 
  • Analysis for a SEO audit

And much more! Remember that to have an optimal maintenance of your website and align your strategies to achieve better results in traffic and conversion, it is essential that you use the best plugins and tools.

In this post we will explain what Storytelling is and how to do it to help you boost your audience retention. 

The art of storytelling has always been relevant in communication, and this technique is one of the most powerful in digital marketing. 

Top best free SEO tools 

In this section of our guide to the best free SEO tools we are going to focus on those useful resources to make keyword analysis more complete and successful. Let's get to it!


We consider this to be one of the best free SEO tools because in addition to providing information about the keyword analysis, it also offers suggestions for related topics. 

Why is this so important? It is very useful because it will help you to better complement your content, especially if it is a post for attract organic SEO traffic

Advantages of this tool

  • QuestionDB is very practical and intuitive so you will have no trouble exploring its functions. 
  • The topics it suggests are in the form of a question, which is ideal for generating value-added content. 
  • You can export the results of your analysis in CSV format.

best free SEO tools


Another of the best free SEO tools is this wonderful resource that is highly effective for keyword analysis. 

It is a great ally for content marketing and link building strategies because it helps to define related topics on a specific subject. 

In this way you will be able to create a meta-post and a structure with associated texts, working on several keywords that will allow you to come up with valuable and complete content. 

It has an outline function, so if you want to define your content marketing strategy, this tool can make the process much easier. 

Advantages of the tool

  • AlsoAsked has several free features, but is still in beta. 
  • It is easy to use and you can export your analysis and planning. 
  • Displays topics associated with your search based on real research.

best free SEO tools

Google Keyword Planner 

Google Ads has a very efficient keyword planner, one thing we love about this tool is the wide range of features. 

Also, the Google Keywords Planner will help you to make a much more precise analysis due to the variables included in its filter. 

The tool allows you to define the geographical area in relation to the searches and to make a comparison taking into account the level of competitiveness, the influence of the keyword and its value in case of generate ads on Google Ads.

You can select the keywords of your interest and add them to a schedule, so you will only export the search terms of your interest, making your work more practical and better defined. 

On the other hand, in its filter there is the option to include or not to include markingsThis will help you focus your keyword research on transactional or informational terms depending on your interest.

Advantages of the tool

  • If you have had a Google Ads account for some time, you can take advantage of many free features. 
  • It gives very comprehensive keyword metrics, which helps to choose the most suitable keywords. 
  • It is a great tool to carry out local SEO strategies due to its geographical configuration.

best free SEO tools

SEO Keywords Spelling Checker

We've discussed the importance of trends for SEO before on our blog, and one thing we love is that this tool helps you learn about the trend of a search term in an interesting way. 

It does not act exactly like Google Trends, but rather it acts by recognising the most popular term for a keyword to help define the trend for a topic.

Suppose you enter "Best iPhones the tool could point to the term "Best iPhones 2023 as the most popular term. And this will help you define the best direction in terms of building your content.

Advantages of the tool

  • The results of the analysis come from Google.
  • It helps to recognise possible trends. 
  • It is easy to use and facilitates content planning.

digital marketing and SEO

Best free SEO tools for audits 

Please note that these SEO tools are not entirely free of charge, but have certain features that are free of charge and others that are available on a subscription basis. 

The good news is that if we've added them to our guide to the best free SEO tools it's because its free-of-charge functions are very useful Let's see the winning options!


Besides being one of the best free SEO tools, it is one of the most popular, it is a lightweight resource that allows you to make an audit and know the possible errors that may impede the positioning of your website.

It is not an SEO plugin but an extension which you can use from your browser, one of its most attractive functions is that of analysing both internal and external links. 

SEOquake also helps to identify weaknesses such as broken links and the ranking of the website according to the main terms it is covering.

digital marketing and SEO

Rank Math

It may surprise you to know, but Rank Math has a free version with features that are actually very useful.

But it also offers you the opportunity to choose to upgrade to the paid version if you decide you want access to a much more comprehensive service. 

It is ideal for its meta-data optimisation functions, search term success prediction and for the metrics it offers for your website. We recommend link your functions with Google Search Console to increase their performance. 

Don't miss our next guide: What is the best Ecommerce Plugin for WordPress? | 4 Tips

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Illustration Álvaro Fontela on RankMath

Yoast SEO

Another of the best free SEO pluginsYoast has a free version that, although it is not as complete, it is not bad at all. 

One of the most convenient utilities of Yoast SEO is that it helps to identify much more technical errors. In addition, it is a tool that has been constantly updated in line with innovations and trends in the world of digital marketing. 

Yoast SEO allows you to perform analysis to find out the status of positioning of the websiteThe website helps to optimise content metadata and offers suggestions for improving organic positioning.

digital marketing and SEO

Meta SEO Inspector

It is a very useful Google Chrome extension to analyse the SEO positioning status of the different pages of your website, but it also helps you to analyse your competitors' websites. 

One positive aspect of what has been considered one of the best free SEO tools is that it is easy to use, and you will have access to comprehensive metrics in a single paragraph. 

In a practical but very precise way you will be able to know key aspects for the positioning of your website. And as we have indicated, it is totally free.

digital marketing and SEO

So, what are the best free SEO tools?

If you are looking to choose between the best free SEO plugins, we suggest Yoast SEO and Rank Match. While, at the level of tools to work on the web positioningGoogle Keywords Planner, AlsoAsked, Google Keywords Planner and SEO Keywords Spelling are the best - let us know which one you will use! 

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